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    Our contacts over at TVGuide.Com just sent this to us and I thought I’d share with those of you that are thirsting like the rest of us for 24 Information during this always-long hiatus. Don’t forget also to join the 2GuysTalking: 24 Podcast as we do a post-mortem interview with 24 Production Designer, Joseph Hodges in the next week or so!

    Remember you can also win your FAVORITE Television DVD Season Set from The 2GuysTalking TelevisionReviewBlogs by simply COMMENTING coherently on any of the stories there. Check out for more! -Mike2GuysTalking

    Source: TV Guide Affiliate Newsletter: Exclusive: 24 TO ELECT FIRST FEMALE PREZ?

    June 21, 2007 (New York, New York) -’s Michael Ausiello
    reports exclusively that the Commander in Chief on next season’s
    revamped 24 will likely be a woman.

    For more on this story, click here

    and don't forget to check out the 2GuysTalking Podcast Reviews of the Summer's biggest blockbuster films as well!
    • CommentAuthorHangman
    • CommentTimeDec 15th 2008
    so, does that mean that in a couple of elections time a woman is gonna get elected in the USA? seemed to follow suit with Palmer/Obama